This is the real deal. Possibly the most costly non-prescription cat food available, it is nonetheless a bargain. Until trying this, the only food my cat could tolerate was prescription Iams Low Residue.
With any other food he would vomit every day and have frequent bouts of diarrhea. Even with the Iams, the poor little guy would have the diarrhea every few days. Then I tried Organix.
I went through two 6 lb bags and never had a single incident of illness. It is absolutely unbelievable. Of course when you read the label you can see why it's so different. I will never feed my cat anything else. Truly amazing.
With any other food he would vomit every day and have frequent bouts of diarrhea. Even with the Iams, the poor little guy would have the diarrhea every few days. Then I tried Organix.
I went through two 6 lb bags and never had a single incident of illness. It is absolutely unbelievable. Of course when you read the label you can see why it's so different. I will never feed my cat anything else. Truly amazing.
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