LitterMaid LM900 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box

LitterMaid LM900 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box
LitterMaid LM900 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box. Ideal for a household with a large cat or more than one cat, this big, self-cleaning litter box eliminates most odors while keeping the litter pleasingly fresh for tabby.

It's ingenious in design: a cat entering the box triggers a sensor; the sensor sets a timer that counts off 10 minutes; then a rake runs through the litter, scooping out clumps and depositing them in a plastic container at the box's end; the container is automatically sealed until the next cat visit, when the raking cycle opens the container for another deposit.

(Twelve reusable, disposable containers are included, each 13 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3-1/2 inches deep.) The litter box can be plugged into a wall socket (AC adapter included) or operated on eight D-cell batteries (not included).

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