Novartis Capstar Flea Treatment Blue Tabs for Dogs and Cats

Novartis Capstar Flea Treatment Blue Tabs for Dogs and Cats
Novartis Capstar Flea Treatment Blue Tabs for Dogs and Cats. Cure your small cat or dog of adult fleas with Novartis Capstar. Its active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which belongs to the chemical class of neonicotinoids that bind and inhibit insect-specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Nitenpyram interferes with normal nerve transmission and leads to the death of the insect. Nitenpyram does not inhibit acetylcholinesterase. For dogs and cats 2 to 25 pounds. Should be given orally, with or without food, on any day when fleas are present. Do not give more than 1 treatment per day. If a continuous flea infestation is observed after using Capstar, see your veterinarian.